Sunday, October 26, 2014

Apple addresses labor violations at Quanta Chinese factories after 2013 audit

Apple Inc has worked with supplier Quanta over the past year to improve working conditions after a 2013 audit, published on Friday, uncovered a profusion of violations, including excessive overtime and health hazards. 

This report exposed the poor working conditions in two facilities in Shanghai and Changshu. The report found that both factories fell short of local requirements for indoor air quality testing, and that 80 percent of workers interviewed in Shanghai claimed to have been charged a hiring fee by a broker or agent. Moreover, workers were not paid due wages for sick leave, and during the busiest periods of the year, facilities regularly exceeded legal limits on working hours. In addition, over 100 Changshu workers age 16 and 17 said they had worked overtime. But those young workers were transferred from Apple's production lines by the end of July 2013, according to the report. 

It will be interesting to see how this news will be perceived by the public and investors in the near future and if it will have any effect on their sales. 

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