Sunday, February 16, 2014

Coming to an office near you

The increased use of technology in the work place has had both positive and negative effects on jobs. On one hand, the production and development of technology creates jobs, but the utilization of it can replace workers. About a third of workers worked on a farm in the early 1900s, now less than 2% do.  This article explains that with the advent of technology, in the short run income gaps will widen.  In short, in the long run labor receives most benefits of increased productivity. Workers were formerly most threatened  by production equipment, but now powerful computers have risen as their biggest threat.

1 comment:

  1. Industrialization is not going to disappear anytime soon. I believe that a great amount of people will be affected with such transitions overtime but our job as a society is to be able to provide them with another job while updating their skill set at the same time.
