Monday, December 5, 2011

For Angry Employees, Legal Cover for Rants

This is a very interesting article which talks about how employers fire their employees because of negative feedback they give about their companies or their bosses on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Although employers argue that such "ranting" causes negative word of mouth, however the employees are now fighting their cases in accordance with the laws which protect them from being illegitimately fired.


  1. It is a pretty unusual way of getting fired and almost certainly doesn't reflect any misconduct on the part of the employee. The outcome of the cases currently being fought will be interesting.

  2. This will just give the employers another reason for them to fire their employees with no valid reason. This can increase the rate of unemployment.

  3. Yes this is true and this could further act as a barrier to speedy economic recovery

  4. Everyone knows once something is posted to facebook or twitter it instantly becomes a representation of your individual "voice". It is as simple as not posting. Since you know your comments become public why would you purposefully bad mouth the company to your friends and family. I tend to agree with employers that these "rants" should be prohibited because of the negative publicity. However, the employees have been very smart in their response by referring to the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 to support their disgruntled comments about pay, safety, and other working conditions.
