Saturday, November 5, 2011

The medium made the message

This is an interesting article that explores how a company really changed the shape of entire industries - music, computer, phones - and how it did it.
The answer: Simplicity. Apple products really do focus on simplicity. There products are intuitive and easy to use. People who learned how to "copy" and "paste" within the past five years, now have iPad. And knows how to use it. These technologies really are so easy to use, even without reading the instructions, that people all over the world now have access to new worlds of information and new sources of connection. But is this a good thing? Apple is definitely one of the leading promoters of having technology at your fingertips, but why do we need it all the time? So much is being lost in this technological age. People send texts, emails, and sit in chat rooms rather than meeting face to face. Communication skills are being lost. People can no longer live in the moment, but must live in everyone else's moments through constant updates on Facebook and twitter and endless text messaging. Apple has made technology easier to use, and that's a blessing as well as a problem. Look around next time you're out and notice how many people have their eyes glued to their iPhones. Apple has advanced our technological society so much, but how much is too much?


  1. Whenever talking about Apple, there are two sides of people. One love Apple to death and one always judge and belittle it. For myself, I am not a fan of Apple but this doesn't influence my feeling about Apple: it it a great brand and company, and it actually has changed the world in many ways.
    It is true the enhanced technology has changed a lot about our life. People are losing real contac and are too relying on digital staff, but we cannot judge Apple fo it. With out Apple, there would be some other companies to bring it. Technology is evolving and we cannot stop it.

  2. The last paragraph really stuck out to me, pointing out the irony of the Apple corporation. It is true that Apple always wants you to think differently when in fact, Apple users are all thinking the same. They can't do anything on a PC and laugh at you if you do.
    I also never realized the simplicity of their products. I guess I thought it was generational that I can work an ipod or ipad without reading a manual, but then again so can my dad who now cannot leave his itouch for more than five minutes.
    Steve Jobs was truly a man that brought our world of technology to a whole new level and it will be interesting to see what is in store for the company without their leading man.
