Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More Jobs Predicted for Machines, Not People

One of the reasons that unemployment rates are so high its because of technology. “Many workers, in short, are losing the race against the machine" according to two top experts on technology and productivity from MIT.
Brynjolfsson and McAfee wrote "Race against the Machine"s based on their research how technology plays a role in jobless recovery. The pace increase rapidly with many new technology in the market such as robots, online commerce, voice recognitions, etc to replace human capital. Which sometimes can do a better job than human since there are more clever , cheaper, and faster software becomes available. Machines are use in the service sectors such as call centers, marketing and sales where it provides the most job. The last recession 1 in 12 people lost their jobs in the sales sector.


  1. This increased use of machines is understandable, in that it is a cheaper way of operating some business. However, I do not think this is the right way to go at this time. Making the effort to utilize human capital in a time of high unemployment is the best route. These people that are replaced may not easily find another job. Machines tend to replace lower skilled workers but this is the section that needs our help the most.

  2. It is true that more and more duties which had completed by human beings, now have being done by machines. It is inevitable. It is the improvement of technology that has hugely enehanced the living standards.
    Machines still need to be controled by human. The specific trainings about machines are necessary, which could also bring job opportunities to people, too.

  3. This article really talks about whether growth should be driven by where technology is augmented or labor-use is augmented. Even though technological growth is mandatory for rising steady state level, it is also important to consider the negative effects that excessive use of technology can have on unemployment and similar economic factors. Making decisions on balancing technological change and labor-use can be a difficult one to make.
