Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Potential Economic Effect of An NYC Hurricane on the U.S. Economy

What would happen if a class 5 hurricane hit New York city? According to Mr.Silver's calculations $16 Trillion worth of damage, that is $1.34 trillion dollars more than the U.S. GDP. Such an event could, especially in this economy, devastate the global economy. To be fair this possibility is a near impossibility, some say that a class 4 hitting the north-east is impossible. A more interesting case is that of Hurricane New England which made landfall in Long Island and passed within 40mi of Manhattan. That cost $45 Billion, if it had directly hit the city could according to the model cost $239 Billion. Such an event could easily push back into a deep recession.
What should also give pause is that several climate change models predict increased magnitude and frequency of extreme weather.

1 comment:

  1. If this happened, the insurance and reinsurance companies would help cushion the blow. But yes the hurricane would still be a huge disaster for the whole world.
