Monday, September 19, 2011

Joblessness Rose in Majority States

The topic we learn last class was unemployment and this article directly talked about unemployment in the USA whether the rate increases or decreases and what is the reason behind it. The overall unemployment rate still increase for three months in a row. According to the Labor Department unemployment rate increased in 26 states, decreased in 12 States and 12 States’ rate remains the same. This is because no new jobs are being created; the overall rate is still 9.1%. The rate at which new jobs are being created during May to August was 39,500 compared to 178,500 of last year.

Nevada has the highest unemployment rate for 15 consecutive months from 12.9% to 13.4% due to the decline of tourism/construction industry and foreclosures. The second highest state is California at 12.1% and the third is Michigan at 11.2%. The lowest unemployment rate State goes to North Dakota at 3.5% due to job created by the agriculture and oil manufacturing companies. Followed by Nebraska at 4.2% and South Dakota at 4.7%.

Knowing the unemployment rate is important so that we will know where the economy is heading. In order to fight unemployment new job must be created every month.

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