Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Bear

I really really liked this article. I like how the writer compared our economy to a bear charging at you and how to react to it. The writer tells people to quit running and freaking out. The best way to fight back is stand your ground. If you can stand your ground and remain level headed in, a bear attack or, our economy then everything will be okay. There will be less fluctuation in everyones stocks. Now the writer also says that if you can remain level headed in an economy and take yourself out of the moment everything will also be okay. What some economists and stockbrokers need to do is to stop getting caught up in the sudden peaks and valleys because they are just creating more headaches to themselves. Along with creating more headaches they create more uncertainty with their clients. The writer also talks about what you should do if you do take a step back and you are still continuing to lose money. He says in that situation then go about stopping it by making little changes nothing drastic. People just need to relax and be confident in our economy because the more confident people are the better things will be in the long run.


  1. i like how the writer uses the analogy of the bear and the economy. It makes a lot of sense by not trying to get caught up which will create more problems without seeing the big picture.
    But I disagree about the last part though you can't always put faith in our economy in hope that everything will be fine someone needs to do something about it. Only confident won't help the economy.

  2. This is an interesting article. I agree with the author.
    Not everyone is economist, not everyone took ECON110 in their life. People cannot save the market by herself/himself own. For a normal adult who bought some stocks and possibly suck in them right now. Don't panic, being optimistic, and maybe doing nothing might be the best choice right now.

  3. I like the metaphoric imagery used in this article as it makes it more interesting and vivid for the average person to read, and thereby more universal.

    It gives out some good advice in times of these financial hardships- that of not giving into fear, and just holding on until things get better...that is good advice even in real life circumstances, those going beyond the financial realm.

  4. I thought this was a very humorous article with a great message behind it. It offered a security that everything will turn up no matter how bad things seem. The classic phrase, "the sun will come up tomorrow" came to mind when I read this article because there are a lot of discouraged people out their with our nation's economy. But like the article says, things always get better and instead of killing yourself with panic and stress, people need to lay low and have faith in their government that changes will be made for the better and later will we look back at this period as a minor hiccup in the economy.
