Sunday, November 21, 2010

T.S.A. Grants Airline Pilots an Exception to Screenings

Pilots in their uniforms are not being subjected to the new screening processes at airports. Passengers have not been very positive about the new processes and are angry about the invasiveness of the new process. For the pilots, they just have to go through the metal detectors and show 2 forms of identification. Unions for pilots have been lobbying for 2 years because "their members had already been through extensive background checks by federal law enforcement officials, there was no need for the added security searches." Flight attendants have been arguing that they should also be allowed to skip the pat downs and invasive security processes.


  1. I feel like this will give those who wish to break security policies another way to attempt to do so. Impersonating a pilot is much easier than some of the tricks that have been pulled in the past and I wouldn't put it past people to try to impersonate pilots.

  2. I don't think that pilots or any airport/airplane personnel should be freed of the high security checks. Even though their backgrounds have been extensively checked, firstly, it is very easy to make fake identification cards etc. secondly, the background check might have been done a few years ago and today the person might have a different nature. Thirdly, it is very easy for someone else to drop harmful items into another person's belongings and thus even though that person might not mean harm, he/she is carrying harmful equipment and thus must be checked.
