Sunday, October 10, 2010

temporary and part time jobs on the rise

This recession has been very weird indeed. Every time companies add more people on their payroll as part timers or temps, it is an indication of economic expansion to come. This economic expansion generally comes very quickly. However in the current recession we see that despite the fact that companies are hiring more part timers and temps than ever, the economy has not expanded. The number of part timers have surged up from 6.2 Million to 9.5 Million from last year- a combination of workers who saw their hours cut back and those who were unable to find a full time position. This alludes to a growing trend in the market of hiring more temporary workers as businesses are still moving cautiously. This reflects the uncertainty about the strength of the economic recovery and shows us that we are still a long way from the light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. and maybe a sector of discouraged workers now are looking for jobs too.

  2. It's possible that the companies are replacing what used to be full-time positions with part-time and temporary positions, which overall still represents a smaller demand for labor than what existed prior to the recession. Workers are happy to take these jobs, as in some cases it is the best they can find.

  3. I feel more like it's because they cannot take anything better they have to take on these jobs. I don't know what will happen in the future when employers don't want temporary workers anymore. How dismal the picture is.

  4. Workers are happy to take these jobs because its better than no job at all. But also, companies can afford to hire more people with the same amount of money, so I can't really see how this will be better for the economy. Also, the corparations could gain money since they don't need to supply part-time workers with benefits.

  5. Temporary positions, in the past, have been a reliable steping stone to permanent employment. While the theory still holds true, the mass amount of temporary employment seems to be working against this theory (more often times than not). Part-time and temporary employment are companies means of gauging the economy while offseting increased consumer demand in the short run.

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