Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting Older Without Getting Old

This article focuses on analyzing the fate of Facebook. It points out that Facebook would not be forgotten or out of date because of its property. The mainly advantage of Facebook is that this communicational tool not only a chat tools between friends, but also Fcaebbok helps people maintain their “weak-ties” with people they knew, but not that familiar. Which enrich people’s social circle. Also, this article emphasizes that the users of Facebook is not only teenagers or young-adults, but also there is a considerable number of adults who make use of Facebook to contact with others.

Moreover, in this article, “network effect” is mentioned as an important influence generated by Facebook, and other internet tools, which closely relates to the business world, since those net tools are good platforms of advertising and connecting.


  1. I agree with what this article has to say. Facebook and other social networks like it will be around in some way shape or form. The ability to easily communicate with friends will probably never go away but adapt as technology enhances networks like facebook.

  2. I definitely agree that facebook is becoming more of a networking and business tool. More than ever employers are looking at potential job candidates' facebooks in the hiring process and giving out facebook contact information.
