Tuesday, March 16, 2010

FCC Releases Plan to Improve U.S. Web Access

This is quite an interesting article discussing the potential failure if the U.S. doesn't speed up internet connections and make them accessible to more people. As a result, the economy will suffer and unconnected Americans will be left without the information they need to function in a digital society. Although the internet was developed in the U.S., 35% of Americans do not have access to high-speed internet in their homes. $7.2 billion from President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is allocated to broadband-related initiatives.


  1. In this time the internet plays a very important role in the economy seeing as a big part of consumption is done online. I am shocked to read that 35% of Americans do not have high speed internet access in their homes and I am glad to hear that $ 7.2 billion dollars will be allocated to solving this problem. Decreasing the percentage of Americans without high speed internet would significantly increase the overall consumption.

  2. This morning on the news, Bloomberg had a news correspondent from China speaking about how far the U.S. is behind china in terms of bandwidth. The conversation they were having was based on the idea that China's population was concentrated in a much smaller area than the typical City in the United States. This causes a higher bandwidth in China in respect to the United States. Additionally, I remember Leo De Bever speaking about how Google has bought up miles of "black fiber". This is unused fiber optic cable that will eventually be used when out internet expands to meet countries like China. (maybe buy some Google stock)
