Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Toyota's "Full Responsibility"

This article illustrates how Toyota plans to take full responsibility for the recall that was issued for Toyota's cars.
“We will work 24/7 at N.H.T.S.A. to make sure that Toyotas are safe to drive,” Mr. LaHood said. In addition, he said, the agency was adding 66 employees to the safety agency.


  1. Reputation is really important for a company. Because of this accident, consumers have lost trust in Toyota's quality and have doubts in its company ethics. If Toyota does not take actions to gain back trust in consumers as soon as possible, their lost will be huge.

  2. I don't entirely understand why Toyota is being made such an example of unsafe consumer practices. From what I have heard, their general business management does not seem all that much more irresponsible than other equivalent American automakers.
