Saturday, February 20, 2010

Obama defends economic stimulus

this article talks about how the stimulus plan is expected to save or create 1.5 million jobs in 2010, and how it has already saved or created at least 2 million. this is will help increase the rate of job finding but the problem in our current economy is the fact that the job separation rate is still very high as businesses are making a lot of job cuts. the article also talks about how the stimulus really needs to show results in this import election year to make the democrats look good.


  1. The crisis America was in a year ago still continues to prevail but imagine what would happen if the stimulus was not given a year back. People would not get the positive feeling that government is backing their responsibity. The stimulus might have been slow to come in effect but it was really helpful. In such crisis people must understand that they are safe to spend their money and I think the stimulus provided them this belief. It is too early to question the after math of the stimulus, good news is America was rescued out of the crisis by the stimulus.

  2. Although a substantial amount of money has been put into economy, it does not seem that the money stimulates the economy as much as President Obama thought it should. Many people even argue that they did not see any effect at all in a sense that the large sum of many does not create jobs. Facing people’s doubt about whether the stimulus has helped the economy, President Obama pointed out that the stimulus has saved more than 1.5 million jobs and will keep US from plunging into a second Great Depression.

  3. The stimulus money that was injected into the economy will not see the benefits right away, it will take time. First off, no matter who was in office it takes tremendous effort and courage to get through these terrible times. Also if banks did not receive help from the government they would go bankrupt and that would have changed the future of America if not the world forever. So yes the government did put LOTS and lots of money but it takes time and you must see past the employment numbers and look towards the future

  4. raising money from taxing the people trying to create jobs is not the way to stimulate your economy. Small business makes up most of the business in the US, with those owners being taxed left and right, and with the debate of universal health care money is being spent by the government all over the place. Money should be focused on stimulating business and the economy, not toward other less important programs.
